Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Ltd (AVIC), a state-owned Chinese group of aerospace companies based in Beijing, is a major player on the global market. With its over 100 branches and 27 subsidiaries, AVIC is a Fortune 500 company and one of China's ten largest industrial corporations. Amongst other sectors, the company operates in the fields of passenger and transport aircraft, helicopters, avionics and systems, motor vehicles and electronics. In 2016, AVIC had a staff of 450,000 employees spread all over the world and generated sales amounting to 53.64 billion USD (2016). Thanks to the strategic partnership concluded with our principal owner AVIC, FACC enjoys access to the largest growth market of the global aerospace industry.

Following AVIC's involvement, FACC succeeded in significantly expanding its global foothold, investing more than 400 million Euros on site, creating 2,000 jobs and tripling its size.